Vormingscentrum Bedrijf, Organisatie en Toerisme

Think Business, Act Social: How You Can Address Loneliness (ENG)

(Online Zoom Seminar)

About the seminar:

De Warmste Week is an annual Belgian solidarity initiative encouraging people to organize actions to raise funds for good causes. The event takes place the week before Christmas and focuses on societal themes. The theme for 2024 is 'loneliness.' Beyond fundraising, the emphasis is on solidarity and awareness, with a focus on togetherness and human warmth.


This business seminar is dedicated to the theme of De Warmste Week 2024: loneliness. Keynote speaker Leen Heylen will provide insights into the phenomenon of loneliness, its impact on individuals, key risk factors, and potential interventions, with a focus on preventive strategies. Following this, representatives from partner organizations of Thomas More will share their experiences working with vulnerable groups.


We hope this seminar will trigger your reflection and engagement. How can you contribute to this (personal) challenge? The Student Services Department supports student initiatives through activity grants and logistical assistance. Additionally, a new initiative will be introduced, featuring discussion tables for students to promote further dialogue and collaboration.


About the speaker:

Leen Heylen - Research Leader, Expertise Center for Care & Welfare: Research Group Mobilab & Care

Ze is onderzoeksleider 'Zorgzame samenleving' bij de onderzoeksgroep Mobilab & Care. Ze is sociologe en doctoreerde rond het thema eenzaamheid bij ouderen. Bij Thomas More doet ze praktijkgericht onderzoek naar eenzaamheid, zorgzame buurten en mantelzorg. Momenteel is ze maatschappelijk valorisatiecoördinator van het onderzoeksproject Eenzaamheid en de buurt.

Datum en tijd

donderdag 17 oktober 2024
18:15 ⇾ 20:00

Einde inschrijvingen: donderdag 17 oktober 2024 (17:00)



Alumnus Thomas More: 30,00 EUR

Externe deelnemer: 45,00 EUR

Personeel Thomas More: 0,00 EUR

Student met een Business Seminars abonnement*: 0,00 EUR

Student Thomas More: 30,00 EUR

Prijs opmerkingen

Student Business School with a Business Seminars subscription: €45 per semester

Student Thomas More: €30 per seminar

Alumnus Business School (graduated in 22-23 or 23-24): €30 per seminar

External participant: €45 per seminar

