Vormingscentrum Bedrijf, Organisatie en Toerisme

Is circular fashion just about second-hand clothing? | EN

Campus De Ham - Raghenoplein 21bis - 2800 Mechelen

About the seminar: Circular is the new buzz word, also in fashion. But what does circular fashion really mean? What are the criteria to claim that a t-shirt is a circular one? This seminar will learn you that it is not so simple to make a real circular product. But it is not because it is hard that it is not feasible, and you can play a big role.


About the guest speaker: Catherine Louies has more than 25 years of fashion retail experience at C&A. And has built experience in sustainability through different roles at this global fashion retailer but also has independent consultant for companies in fashion, packaging, and logistics. She is very passionate about sustainability marketing and how to get customers inspired to buy fashion in a more sustainable way. Being convinced of the need to move to circular fashion and understanding the important role of each consumer in that transition, she loves to develop the right tools to shift consumer behavior.

Datum en tijd

maandag 15 april 2024
18:15 ⇾ 19:30

Einde inschrijvingen: maandag 15 april 2024 (17:00)
Annulatie mogelijk tot: maandag 15 april 2024 (17:00)



Alumnus Business School ('22-'23 of '23-'24): 0 EUR

Externe deelnemer: 0 EUR

Personeel Thomas More: 0 EUR

Student met een Business Seminars abonnement*: 0 EUR

Student Thomas More: 0 EUR

Prijs opmerkingen

Student Business School with a Business Seminars subscription: €45 per semester

Student Thomas More: €30 per seminar

Lecturer Thomas More: free participation

Alumnus Business School (graduated in 21-22 or 22-23): €30 per seminar

External participant: €45 per seminar
