Vormingscentrum Bedrijf, Organisatie en Toerisme

Communication, a gateway to mistakes and opportunities (EN)

Campus De Ham | Aula Hanswijk - Raghenoplein 21bis - 2800 Mechelen

About the seminar: Communication is a tool you can use to make your life a lot easier. Or harder, depending on how you use it. When relationships, with your family, friends, partner, colleagues, employer and even yourself go wrong, it’s almost always linked to poor or a lack of communication.

Let’s try to change that and use communication to our benefit.

About the speaker: Jurgen is passionate about people, leadership and communication. His own career is proof that you can craft your own path and that you create your own opportunities. He has been in different leadership roles for over 15 years and has made a great amount of mistakes. He believes in failing forward and has embraced making mistakes as a path to growth and success.

Datum en tijd

donderdag 05 oktober 2023
18:15 ⇾ 20:00

Einde inschrijvingen: donderdag 05 oktober 2023 (17:00)
Annulatie mogelijk tot: donderdag 05 oktober 2023 (17:00)



Alumnus Business School ('21-'22 of '22-'23): 30,00 EUR

Externe deelnemer: 45,00 EUR

Student met een Business Seminars abonnement*: 0,00 EUR

Student Thomas More: 30,00 EUR

Prijs opmerkingen

Student Business School with a Business Seminars subscription: €45 per semester

Student Thomas More: €30 per seminar

Alumnus Business School (graduated in 21-22 or 22-23): €30 per seminar

External participant: €45 per seminar
